VFW 3513 “Alley Cats” Update
December 4, 2021
Veterans And Kitties
The ‘VFW Alley Cat Project’ Has Brought Kitties, Vets, And Community Together
By Marianne Cole
Secretary, VFW Post 3513 Auxiliary
Click On Frank & Cali If You Would Like To Donate To The VFW Alley Cat Rescue Fund
In Scottsdale,Ariz., just south of Thomas Road, there resides a community of cats tucked away in the back parking lot and alleyway of the VFW Post 3513. These cats live and lounge on three different three-and four-tiered cat houses brought in by caring members of the community. But when spooked, they disappear into their hiding places.

It was just two years ago when VFW Post Auxiliary members, spearheaded by Senior Vice President Jim Allen, made it their mission to care for the growing cat population. What started as an occasional feeding of the kitties became an all-encompassing labor of love for these feline friends.

At first, a donation jar was put out at the bar, and in no time the Auxiliary and Post had collected enough money so that the mission soon expanded into a catch-and-release program by which cats were trapped and taken to the local vet. There they were spayed or neutered, given shots, had their ears tagged, and released back into their home in the VFW Parking Lot.

This endeavor became affectionately known as the “Alley Cat Project”. Before long, it had grown from a Post-membership ministry into a whole neighborhood ministry in which neighbors reached out to also protect, feed, or shelter the cats. In fact, the neighbors and Post members have become such good friends that phone numbers have been exchanged and the Alley Cat Project has also become a sort of Neighborhood Block watch.

Several of the kitties have had the good fortune of being adopted by VFW members and patrons. Many still need homes. One charming fellow, Frankie, has become the unofficial mascot at the post. He’s a beautiful black cat that boldly walks up to members as they approach the door. He’s as good as a service dog with the kind of joy he brings to the veterans and our guests.
More information is available at Western Outdoor Times or jim@azbw.com.
Members of other service organizations are welcome. If you are not a member of any of the veterans’ organizations but would like to visit us, just stick you head in the door and someone will sponsor you for a visit.
We have great food and fun activities.
VFW 3513 “Alley Cats” Update
At this time we have helped 39 animals. This includes spay and neuter, shots and chips. Seven of these have been adopted and are now in good homes. This would not have been possible if not for the help and support of many. We are especially grateful to the members of VFW 3513 for their patience, understanding and help with this project.
We have discovered that the main ingredient in finding a home for these feral cats is to make them comfortable around humans. They have learned to be wary of all, and as feral cats this is necessary for their survival. Our members and guests at VFW 3513 have helped by showing the ones who were adopted that not all humans pose a threat. When the animals reach that stage they are ready for a home.
Scottsdale Arizona Spay & Neuter Clinic
VFW 3513 Auxiliary
We would also like to thank the many friends and neighbors of VFW 3513 who have assisted in this effort. We are grateful to all.

Lost Our Home Pet Rescue And Justin
VFW 3513 “Alley Cats” would like to thank all of the great people at Lost Our Home Pet Rescue for helping us with Justin. We would also like to thank Uriah of Kokopelli Trailers for bringing Justin to our attention. Justin’s owner had worked for Kokopelli Trailers. Unfortunately he passed early in his life and there was no where for Justin to go. I’m sure that with the help of Lost Our Home he will find a great new life.
I had the pleasure of spending several hours with Justin when I went to pick him up. He is bright, lively and a joy to be with. He will be a great companion for someone. Jim Allen
Update – Evidently someone else loved Justin. Thanks to Lost Our Home Pet Rescue Justin was adopted into a great new home immediately.

Pet ID: 44091380
Breed: Domestic Shorthair
Sex: Male
Age: 3 mo.
Location: Main Shelter – 2323 South Hardy Drive, Tempe, AZ 85282
Frank And Cali Need A Home Together
Frank and Cali have been neutered and spayed. They have their shots. And, they have chips. The two are inseparable. They are both small young cats. They need a loving home. Contact Jim@azbw.com if you are interested in providing them a home.

Operation Paws
Update December 7, 2020 – To date VFW Auxiliary Post 3513 “Operation Paws” has offered a better life to 35 animals. This could not have been possible without the help of VFW 3513, our neighbors and the organizations mentioned in this report. PS – Frank is being neutered and will receive all of his shots today.
One of the animals had to be euthanized. As regrettable as this is it was necessary for the sake of the animal. According to the vet this animal had suffered for probably two years. We could not let that go on and there was nothing medically that would have helped the animal at this stage. We mention this animal to bring attention to the ongoing need for organizations such as “Operation Paws” to end the unnecessary suffering of abandoned and feral animals.
Three of them have been adopted into great homes. This gift to them came through Fearless Kitty Rescue.
We have seen a neighborhood come together in an effort to make their lives better as well as the lives of the animals. We will continue our effort and hope that other VFW’s will join us in looking after our animals.
Arizona Spay And Neuter Clinic – 6835 E Thomas Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 arizonaspayneuter@gmail.com
Publishers Note – VFW 3513 Auxiliary has officially adopted this project naming it VFW Alley Cats – Operation Paws. Our purpose is to humanely control the population and condition of the colony that currently exists as Post 3513. Our goal is to connect the spayed/neutered animals with a veteran who will give it a good home. This can be good for the animals as well as the veterans. Donations for this project can be made to VFW Post 3513 Auxiliary or directly to Arizona Spay And Neuter Clinic.
We are hoping that more VFW Posts decide to become active in this endeavor.
Please scroll down to see Bella and all the rest who are looking for homes.
Allen’s Impromptu Animal Rescue Effort – First Capture January 19, 2020
I went to Arizona Spay And Neuter Clinic to ask for advice where I met with Treva the office manager. She couldn’t have been more helpful. First I learned that if we spay and neuter the feral cats and than release them back on our property it will help to keep other feral cats from joining the group. Cats, being territorial, will stay away from another cats location. And, the cats we already have will not multiply due to the spay and neutering that will be done at Arizona Spay And Neuter Clinic.
Treva helped with such things as where and what kind of traps to use. What shots are practical. How long before we can release them after surgery.
After only one week we had successfully neutered three animals. This effort was also aided by the generous donations we received for the project. Thank you to all. The number of animals we are able to help climbs daily.
A special thanks to Jenny B. Jenny B is the VFW Post 3513 bar manager. She has spent countless hours and lots of her own money on this project.
Anyone wishing to donate to this effort may do so by contacting Scottsdale Arizona Spay Neuter Clinic. Just mention Jim Allen / VFW Feral Cat Rescue 22051.
6835 East Thomas Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 480/874-3647
Number One – Chester James is looking for a home.

Number Two – Cheeto is looking for a home.

Prefer Dogs?
Check out these great rescue organizations.
Desert Tails Shelter, 6423 East Thomas Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 480/245-3427 deserttailsshelter@gmail.com Contact Adama to find out about sponsorship possibilities.
Fur and Feather Animal Assistance, P.O. Box 555, Pie Town NM 87827 575-773-4674 furandfeatheranimalassistance@gmail.com
Lost Our Home Pet Rescue, 2323 South Hardy Drive, Tempe, AZ 85282 602 /445-7387 help@lostourhome.org
Number Three – Oso is looking for a home.

Number Four – Panther is looking for a home.

To whom it may concern
I’m writing to let you know that we are doing a Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) Program in your area. TNR programs are humane for feral cats and effective for communities.
By trapping, neutering and vaccinating healthy community cats, and then returning them to their outdoor homes, communities reduce shelter overpopulation and stop wasting time and funding trying to catch or control cats that thrive outside.
Hundreds of communities have TNR programs, and research supports that they are effective at shrinking outdoor cat populations over time, while minimizing euthanasia. Studies also show the cats in TNR programs typically have low rates of disease and enjoy healthy life spans.
Some cats can live happy, healthy lives outdoors. Trying to round them up and kill them isn’t cost-effective, doesn’t solve the problem and is not representative of the caring, pet-friendly community that *VFW Operation Paws* wants to be.
If you are feeding stray or feral cats and need help with spaying and neutering them, please reach out to Treva at Arizona Spay Neuter Clinic and we can assist in the over population of these cats. Our clinic is located at 6835 E Thomas Rd, Scottsdale 85251 you may call or text us at 480-874-3647.
Thank you for your cooperation with our efforts to help the community cats.
Number Five – Skye Blue is looking for a home.

Other Animals
Aimee’s Farm Animals – Gilbert, AZ
Number Six – Coco is looking for a home.

Number Seven – Char (Charcoal) is looking for a home.

Number Eight – Patches

Not all of our rescues turn out the way we would like. The vet determined Patches had Stomatitis. She also determined that because of Patches condition she had been affected by this for possibly several years. I noticed Patches the first time yesterday morning. I saw her again yesterday afternoon. She was skin and bones and her fur was matted and in terrible shape. I was able to catch her yesterday evening. We took her to the vet this morning. Under the circumstances the kindest thing was to put her out of her long suffering. We have included two photos of Patches. One is of her mouth. We show it only to show what can happen to these feral cats if they are not looked after. Please help us with trapping and neutering them all.

Number Nine – Bella Boo is looking for a home.
April 15, 2020 – She found her forever home today.
Not the one we had hoped for her. Life is hard on the streets. Attack, accident, fight or automobile? We don’t know. Her doctor said her injuries were too extensive and the chance of recovery was not good.
Bella Boo August 16, 2018 April 15, 2020
Bella is a special kitty. This picture was taken shortly after her surgery. The real Bella is a very vibrant and loving kitty. She is too friendly for her own good when it comes to living on the street. Bella NEEDS a home.

Number Ten – Black Beauty
Black Beauty was pregnant. They start early. Don’t put off getting them spayed and neutered.
Black Beauty – February 19, 2020 – Female Spayed, 6 Pounds, 8 Months, Rabies Shots
Number Eleven – Goldwater
Goldwater is, like Bella Boo, too friendly to be on the street. He needs a home.

Number Twelve – Cali Coe

Number Thirteen – Daizee (aka BB)
Thanks to Jesse’s family Daizee still resides in their yard. Had Jesse and his family not cared enough to assist us in this effort the cycle would have continued. Daizee had a young litter of four previously. They now have been spayed/neutered fostered and now two of them have been adopted thanks to the efforts of Fearless Kitty Rescue in Fountain Hills, AZ.

Number Thirteen – Daizee + Four – Daizee’s Previous Litter

Daizee II

8 Bit Charley
Like many other individuals, businesses and organizations VFW 3513 Post has feral cats. Being animal lovers, and somewhat realistic about this, Carol and I decided to try help the people at our VFW 3513 Post in Scottsdale, AZ who were trying to help the cats.
This information is also available on our sister site Western Outdoor Times.