AZ Lakes AZ Pros Matt Shura At Canyon Lake


Consider These Basics Of Crankbaits

A crankbait can easily evolve into one of your favorite go-to techniques any time of year.

Crankbaits = ‘Idiot Baits’?

AZ Lakes AZ Pros Matt Shura At Canyon Lake
Matt Shura At Canyon Lake

Crankbaits are sometimes called “idiot baits” because people have the idea that there is nothing to them but casting and winding. True, you can catch fish on a plug even if that is all you do, but if you take the time to figure out just which bait and retrieve to use a crankbait can easily evolve into one of your favorite go-to techniques any time of year.

Wobble, Wobble

Crankbaits wobble in the water. Some wobble a lot, some wobble a little. The wobbling displaces water and sends waves to a bass’s lateral line, letting it know that something in the water is swimming a little weird. To a bass, this means a fairly easy meal. Sometimes the amount of wobble a bait has is the deciding factor. Fatter baits wobble more, as do wider bills. In general, less active fish prefer a tighter wobble.  …  Full Story


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