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Arizona Boating & Watersports News Magazine is a monthly print publication. The Arizona Game and Fish Commission awarded AZBW the 2008 Media of the Year Award. It is distributed throughout Arizona and Southern California as well as several other states and countries. We also participate in numerous shows and events. It is our pleasure from time to time to present to our readers information about new products; however, the information published in Arizona Boating & Watersports news magazine is for reader interest only and does not consitute endorsement by AZBW. Further, we suggest that you check first with local marine, fishing, and RV dealers and suppliers to see if they have the items mentioned in our articles. Also, please remember that the prices given are those that were in effect at press time and may have changed. If you would like to have a link to your Web Site from AZBW / Western Outdoor Times, send your Web Site to Link Me. We will build a story about your company, complete with links to your Web Site and e-mail. We request that you provide a link on your Web Site to AZBW. Our link will be like the image above with the click through. If you would like to comment on any stories in AZBW, or tell us your story idea please contact If you would like advertising information on either the web site or the print version please contact Have You AZBW'd Today? For Fun, News, Up To Date Reports On What's Happening Outdoors Go To We look forward to hearing from you and working with you. $1,200 FREE AdvertisingThis is simple. Go to $1,200 E-mail Name Contest , see if your e-mail address is there, if you see it on the list e-mail I Won to place your order.You winning e-mail address entitles you to your own web page on Arizona Boating & We will build you your own web page complete with your logo, pictures and a story about your business or service. Your contact information, including web site will be there complete with click-throughs. This web page will be available to you for 12 months. You may update your web page monthly. The regular price of this web page is $100 per month. Good Luck! |