Learn How To Hunt In A Safe, Mentored Environment
Parents, do you want to see your kids take a break from playing video games all day and get outdoors for some healthy activity?
Then check out the Arizona Game and Fish Department, your outdoor recreation resource. The department has partnered with dedicated sportsmen groups to offer first-time hunters dozens of mentored, hands-on, how-to hunting and shooting opportunities this fall.
For the majority of these events, all the participant has to do is show up and the mentors take care of the rest, including food and equipment. For others, participants must bring basic outdoor camping gear, and some hunts may require a hunting license and appropriate tags or stamps.
“Hunting in Arizona is very safe and it provides a healthy experience for the body, the mind and the soul,” said Arizona Game and Fish Director Larry Voyles. “Not only is it fun and challenging, but hunters play a critical role in modern wildlife conservation through harvest, funding, habitat restoration, advocacy and more.
The types of hunts, time of year and location can accommodate nearly any schedule.
- Fall 2009 (date pending), Small Game Hunting Camp – Hosted by Northeastern Arizona Sportsman’s Association, at Vernon. To register, contact (928) 337-3768.
- Nov. 19-22, Junior Deer & Javelina Hunt Camp – Hosted by Arizona chapter of the Safari Club International at Marley Ranch south of Tucson for units 36A and 36B (Limited javelina tags still available, deer tags already issued). For information, call (520) 490-8367.
- Nov. 19-22, Junior Deer Hunt Camp – Hosted by Arizona Deer Association, location to be determined, for unit 20C (Open to those already issued a deer tag). For information, call (623) 866-8919 or azace@cox.net.
- Nov. 26-29, Bull Elk Hunt Camp – Hosted by Arizona Deer Association at Bar D Ranch for unit 6A (Open to those already issued an elk tag). For information, call (623) 866-8919 or azace@cox.net.
- Dec. 5-6, Predator Hunting Seminar and Camp – Hosted by Huachuca Gould’s chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation, at Rose Tree Museum in Sierra Vista. To register, contact (520) 508-4272.
- Dec. 5-6, Small Game Hunting Camp – Hosted by Chandler Rod and Gun Club, at Gold Canyon. To register, e-mail info@chandlerrodandgunclub.com.
- Dec. 11-13, Junior Waterfowl Hunting Camp – Hosted by Southwest Habitat Partnership, at Cibola National Wildlife Refuge. To register, e-mail getoutsideaz@gmail.com.
- Dec. 18-21, Junior Muzzleloader Deer Hunting Camp – Hosted by Mohave Sportsman Club, at Cain Springs in unit 16A (Open to those already issued a deer tag). For information, call (928) 758-2355.
- December (date pending), Shotgun Shooting Camp – Hosted by Northeastern Arizona Sportsman’s Association in St. Johns. To register, call (928) 337-3768.
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- Jan. 16-17, Quail Hunting Camp – Hosted by Cochise Bird Dog Club at Empire Ranch near Sonoita. To register, call (520) 458-1584.
- Jan. 21-24, Juniors Javelina Hunting Camp – Hosted by Arizona Deer Association, location to be determined, in unit 20C (Apply for javelina tag before Oct. 13, Hunt No. 5039). For information, call (623) 866-8919 or azace@cox.net.
- Jan. 21-24, Javelina Hunting Camp – Hosted by Arizona Deer Association, location to be determined, in unit 23 (Apply for javelina tag before Oct. 13, Hunt No. 5040). For information, call (623) 866-8919 or azace@cox.net.
- Jan. 22-24, Junior Jack Rabbit Hunting Camp – Host by Arizona chapter of the Safari Club International, at Altar Valley. To register, contact (520) 490-8367.
- April 15-18, Youth Turkey Hunting Camp – Hosted by National Wild Turkey Federation, location to be determined, in Unit 6A near Flagstaff (Turkey tag required, available at any license dealer). For information, call (928) 848-4549.
- April 15-18, Youth Turkey Hunting Camp – Hosted by National Wild Turkey Federation at Colcord Ridge Campground for units 3, 4, and 23 (Turkey tag required, available at any license dealer). For information, call (928) 848-4549.
- April 15-18, Youth Turkey Hunting Camp – Hosted by National Wild Turkey Federation at Alpine for units 1 and 27 (Turkey tag required, available at any license dealer). For information, call (928) 848-4549.
Several other events made available by the grant program have already occurred (see list below). However, many of these are annual events and are worth noting in your calendar:
- August, Christian Hunting and Shooting Camp – Hosted by Grace Community Church Group at Nowell Tree Farm.
- September, Junior Dove Hunt – Hosted by Chandler Rod and Gun Club and Arizona Game and Fish Department at department’s Robbins Butte Wildlife Area.
- September, Junior’s Fall Turkey Hunting Seminar – Hosted by Huachuca Gould’s chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation in Sierra Vista.
- September, Beginner’s Dove Hunt – Hosted by Chandler Rod and Gun Club and Arizona Game and Fish Department in the East Valley.
- September, Trap Shooting Camp – Hosted by Mohave SCTP at Seven Mile Hill Shooting Range in Kingman. To register, call (928) 758-2355.
A national survey in 2008 reports there is overwhelming public support for hunting. One method identified by the study to increase hunting participation is to provide new hunters with a mentored experience to teach them the skills needed to foster their self-interest.
Therefore, in teaching this valuable tradition in the 21st century, the department is taking on an approach like that of organized sports. The department’s Mentored Hunting Camp Project connects experienced sportsmen organizations with interested new hunters into a setting that teaches them the basic skills, ethics, and how-to’s in a safe and positive environment to foster those who have an interest in hunting but have no means with which to get started.
“Hunting is an American tradition that historically has been passed down from generation to generation, much like a skilled trade. However, as Arizona continues to transform from a rural- to an urban-based society, these traditions are not fostered like in years past, resulting in hunter participation rates not keeping pace in comparison to rising population levels,” added Voyles.
Funded by the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s (NSSF) Hunter Heritage Grant Program, the Arizona Game and Fish Department created a pass-through grant program to local nonprofit organizations for the Mentored Hunting Camp Project.
“Arizona Game and Fish’s mentor program is an excellent example of thinking outside the box to put new hunters in the field,” said Melissa Schilling, National Shooting Sports Foundation, recruitment and retention manager. “This proposal is a ‘model’ program for other agencies to roll into their hunter recruitment and retention efforts.”
Voyles noted, “The NSSF Hunter Heritage Grant Program provided our agency an invaluable opportunity to develop a new program with our sportsmen’s groups for recruiting the hunter-conservationists of the future.” Hunters are the original wildlife conservationists. Dating back more than 100 years ago, forward thinkers like President Theodore Roosevelt, John Muir, Aldo Leopold, and others began to establish laws and management practices that would assure the sustainability of wildlife and their habitats for future generations.
These mentored hunting camps are a way for today’s youth to become a part of this ongoing tradition and play a role in wildlife conservation.
To learn more about hunting, how to get a big game tag and other programs, visit the Arizona Game and Fish Department’s Web site at www.azgfd.gov/hunting under “Mentored Hunting.”