Arizona – Nov. 2009

The Adobe Mountain Wildlife Center (AMWC) was established in May 1983, as a rehabilitation component of the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD). Its mission is to rescue and rehabilitate wildlife as well as educate the public about the great diversity of animals who call Arizona home.
The Center’s Director Sandy Cate and a group of dedicated volunteers invest over 5,000 hours in educational programs and 15,000 hours in the care of the 1,000-plus animals who come to Adobe each year. Many animals can be treated and released in a matter of days. Others may take months or never recover sufficiently to go back into the wild. These animals can become ambassadors to their education program, or transferred to other qualified rehab facilities or zoos.
The Adobe Mountain Wildlife Center receives birds of all types but specializes and focuses on birds of prey (falcons, owls, hawks, eagles and vultures). They are also equipped for housing small mammals. At times they are required to provide a temporary home for young coyotes, bear cubs, deer, raccoons and javelina that have been seized or rescued by AZGF Wildlife Managers until permanent homes can be found.
With 26 specially constructed pens for the raptors, two large eagle enclosures, two smaller aviaries for Kestrel falcons and burrowing owls, plus three flight pens and a hospital, the Center can successfully treat, heal, and flight train birds for a successful reintroduction to the wild.
Adobe volunteers participate in most outreach programs around the Valley including the Sportsman’s Expo, Payson Wildlife Days, Tres Rio Nature Festival and many others. Among the many organizations that Adobe supports are the Eagle Scouts.
Over the years Scouts have earned their Eagle badge by completing a project or structure for the facility, such as the American Kestrel aviary. In appreciation of their efforts, Magnum, one of their golden eagles, is often able to attend their Court of Honors Ceremony.
The Center receives a small budget from the Wildlife Conservation Fund and the Heritage Fund, which is part of the Lottery. Because of this, they never charge for participating in shows or educational programs.
To help cover the cost of food and maintenance Adobe puts on “The Bikers Soar for Wildlife” Bike Run each February. At the end of the ride is a large display of the animals that benefit from the generosity of the public. Also this year they will once again be hosting the Adobe Mountain Wildlife Centers Open House.
If you want to know more about The Adobe Mountain Wildlife Center, what shows they will be attending, how to help or for information about becoming a volunteer call at (623) 582-9806 or visit their web site at
Good morning. My name is Mike Perry I did some community service with you guys years ago many years ago LOL. I was looking for a because I love animals and I have a special gift with them. You had a big gray Herring there that nobody could go next to and I used to feed him and he would talk to me. In the last time I was there he was like going nuts when I was at the gate saying bye. I can do anything from fix the sprinklers for the tortoises feed the animals yard work build things I built a hammock for the porcupine you had with broken leg. Let me know I’d appreciate it have a great day.
I have been regularly visited by what appears to be a hairless raccoon for about 9 months. I have video from my back porch ring doorbell since it usually only shows up when we are not home, and just was able to get a picture of it last night.
I tried to reach someone at the main game and fish offices through email with info and video of the creature many months ago without anyone getting back to me.
Is this animal of interest to you folks at the shelter, or should I just continue to watch it and hope it does well on its own?
Thanks in advance!
John Welsch
Camp Verde, AZ