Margie Anderson (Arizona Game And Fish Commission Writer Of The Year Award 2015) – Dozens of rivers flow through, around, and in Arizona – they are the very lifeblood of our state. Rivers provide us with power, and with water for farming and recreation. Many of the larger rivers are dammed to create impoundments that protect us from floods and droughts, and those impoundments create some of our state’s most popular places to play. The Arizona rivers themselves are great places to have fun, providing fishing, boating, tubing, and swimming. Even our most famous natural wonder, the Grand Canyon, is a gift from the Colorado River. Rivers that flow through our deserts create riparian areas that are critical to the survival of many of our beautiful plants and animals.
Arizona’s rivers are also beautiful places for photographers and bird watchers. Without our rivers, Arizona would only support a handful of people. We owe everything we have here to them.
Publisher’s Note – Margie Anderson has many great articles on both Arizona Boating & Watersports and Western Outdoor Times. Search on either site for more of Anderson’s articles.
If you have a favorite story or pictures you would like to see in print send them to
Agua Caliente Wash
Agua Fria River
Agua Verde Creek
Alambre Wash
Altar Wash
Aravaipa Creek
Arivaca Creek
Arizona river
Babocomari River
Big Sandy River
Bill Williams River
Black Creek (Arizona)
Black River

These photos are of the East Fork of the Black River. The first one, where it is wide, was taken at Crosby Crossing on FR285 south of Springerville.

The second one was taken at the Three Forks area on FR249 south of Springerville near where FR58 goes north from 249. – Margie Anderson
Blue River

Blue River – this river is near the eastern border of Arizona. This photo was taken at Blue Crossing, where FR281 and Red Hills Road meet. – Margie Anderson
Blue Water (Lake)

Bonita Creek
Brawley Wash
Burrow Creek

Cañada del Oro
Canyon Creek
Cave Creek

Centennial Wash (Maricopa County)
Ciénega Creek
Colorado River

Davidson Canyon
Deer Creek
Eagle Creek
Fossil Creek
Fossil Creek, one of two “Wild and Scenic” rivers in Arizona, seems to appear out of nowhere, gushing 20,000 gallons a minute out of a series of springs at the bottom of a 1,600 foot deep canyon. Over the years these calcium laden waters have laid down huge deposits of a type of limestone called travertine. – United States Department of Agriculture
There was subdued movement below and whispering voices. Then silence. Leaving his rifle, Sabre belted on his guns and slid quietly out of the overhang and into the cedars.
After a moment, he heard the sound of movement, and then a low voice: “He can’t be far! They said he came this way, and he left the main trail after Fossil Creek.” – Louis L’Amour, “Ride You Tonto Raiders”
Gila River

Granite Creek
Harshaw Creek
Hassayampa River

Kanab Creek
Little Colorado River

Madera Creek
Mescal Arroyo
Molino Creek
New River
Oak Creek
Pantano Wash
Paria River
Puerco River
Rillito River
Rincon Creek
Sabino Creek
Salt River

San Carlos River
San Cristobal Wash
San Francisco River

San Pedro River
San Simon River
Santa Cruz River
Santa Maria River
Santa Rosa Wash
Silver Creek
Silver Creek ‘Catch-And-Keep’ Season Open
Sonoita Creek
Sycamore Creek

Tanque Verde Creek
Tapeats Creek
Tenmile Wash
Thunder River
Tonto Creek
Verde River

Kayaking On The Verde River
Margie Anderson – If you have been reading my stories here on Arizona Boating & Watersports and Western Outdoor Times for long, you know that my husband John and I love to go outdoors adventuring with our granddaughters. We’ve been taking them fishing, hiking, shooting, exploring, and hunting almost since they could walk, but we had never been kayaking together until yesterday. Click Here For Margie’s Story
Click Here For More Verde River Stories
Virgin River
West Fork Creek

White River
Zuni River