19 Boats 12 Colleges And Universities
SAN DIEGO, Calif. — The Arizona State University Sailing Club varsity boat placed fourth in the Frosh/Soph Regatta. The regatta was hosted by the University of California, San Diego and the Mission Bay Yacht Club on October 7 and 8.
There were 24 races run over the course of two days in Mission Bay. Saturday and Sunday were sunny in the high 60s starting with light air that built during the day to around 10 miles an hour. Sophomore Spencer Branch scored second in his division with three first-place finishes.

FAIR WINDS — Sun Devil sailors Mike Garrigan and Chad Hardgrove of the ASU Sailing Club Club are shown sailing up wind to the windward mark during the Frosh/Soph Regatta in Mission Bay, San Diego on Oct. 9. There were 19 boats entered among 12 colleges and universities.
There were 19 boats entered among 12 colleges and universities. At the regatta, 12 sailors represented ASU with three boats entered. The varsity skippers were sophomore Spencer Branch and sophomore Steve Cassingham. The junior varsity boat placed 9 overall and was skippered by sophomore Maggie Blumm and junior Mike Garrigan. The second junior varsity team placed 15 and was skippered by freshman Kyle McManus, sophomore Austin Hodges and sophomore Andrew Hill. The regatta was limited first and second-year college sailors.
The Frosh/Soph Regatta was the club’s first intercollegiate competition this season in the Pacific Coast Collegiate Sailing Conference. The next regatta is the Rose Bowl Regatta hosted by the University of Southern California at the Alamitos Bay Yacht Club in Long Beach, Calif. on Jan. 7 and 8.
The mission of the ASU Sailing Club is to promote sailing and sailing education for people of all abilities within the greater ASU community and to develop personal leadership skills and team building skills through the sport of sailing.
The ASU Sailing Club sails on Tempe Town Lake and competes on the California coast for intercollegiate competitions. To read more about the ASU Sailing Club and information on how to make a charitable contribution to the club, please visit http://www.asusailing.org.
ASU Sailing holds its practices every Friday and Saturday from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Tempe Town Lake SRP Marina. For more information, contact Coach Jake Geller at (602) 369-4684 or by e-mail: ASUJake2002@yahoo.com.