AZGFD’s 2020 Outdoor Expo March 28-29


Make Plans To Attend AZGFD’s 2020 Outdoor Expo

There’s so much to do and see, and admission and parking are free!

The largest hands-on outdoor expo in Arizona come to the Ben Avery Shooting Facility in Phoenix: March 28-29, Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

AZGFD's 2020 Outdoor Expo MarchThe Arizona Game and Fish Department’s annual Outdoor Expo will feature everything from wildlife exhibits and family fishing tanks to kayaking at the 90,000-gallon “Lake Paddlemore” and trying out firearms in a safe, controlled environment on the range.

“We’re not aware of any other free event of this scale that combines conservation, recreation and industry into such a welcoming environment for the public,” said Ty Gray, AZGFD director. “This is where people can find plenty of hands-on activities, see educational exhibits, test and purchase the latest equipment and products, and connect with social organizations that can provide countless ‘next step’ experiences to support their outdoor

AZGFD's 2020 Outdoor Expo MarchLast year’s Outdoor Expo drew the largest two-day crowd in the event’s 15-year history. More than 52,000 people visited the Outdoor Expo and participated in the myriad activities available.

Another great event is expected with more than 150 exhibitors, including outdoor recreation and conservation groups, government agencies and commercial vendors of outdoor products and services.

Educators coming to the Expo can sign up to attend one of our free Educator Information Sessions offered at the event. They will have the chance to learn about the education programs and resources available from the Department and more than 20 other vendors.

For more information, visit

Editor’s Note: Looking ahead, the 2021 Expo will be March 27-28.


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