Waterscapes Arizona 'Boy' Remembers His First Hot Boat

By Jim Allen

When I was a kid skiing on the lakes in Arizona, the sound of a Biesemeyer on the water made every kid, old or young, want to figure out how to buy one. The sound was mesmerizing. Apparently we "kids" weren't the only ones who felt this way.

Julian Pettingil bought the molds for the Biesemeyer from Rusty Biesemeyer and began producing the Biesemeyer 18-foot flat bottom that was to be used in the Super Stock racing class. The Super Stock racing class first appeared in 1965,

sanctioned by the American Power Boat Association. This class was formed to provide a less-expensive alternative to the "E" and "SK" classes.

Both of these classes were highly competitive and expensive. Over the years, the Super Stock class has
evolved and is now reported to be the number one Inboard Runabout class in the American Power Boat

A Super Stock race consists of two-to-eight boats. Watching eight drivers with no seat belts coming
into a turn together at 110 miles per hour in these open boats is enough to raise anyone's adrenaline level. At these speeds, it is a full time job just trying to stay in the boat.

The Biesemeyer, the Revenge and the D'Cucci are the three main hull designs in today's Super Stock racing. These boats are maneuverable and capable of 115 miles per hour; they can power through turns sideways at 60 miles per hour. Power is provided by stock Ford, Chevrolet, Chrysler and Ford engines. These engines produce up to 600 horse power at 7,000 rpm.

Apparently that sound we heard as kids has affected several generations of boat enthusiasts. It still
sends chills up my spine.

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