In the northern parts of Arizona, the possibilities of winter damage are real.
In the winter, in northern states and in northern portions of other states where freezing temperatures are the norm, boaters who put their boats into heated indoor storage have it made. With their boats warm and dry, they may have little concern for freeze-related damage to their engines.

TO BE SURE — Storing a boat inside over the winter requires a look at your insurance policy first, says BoatUS.
Winter storms can knock out power and heat, however, leading to ice forming inside the engine block and catastrophic engine failure. And, if a boat’s engine is winterized by a do-it-yourselfer and freeze damage occurs, the owner could be on the hook for the damage. So what can you do to protect your boat over the winter?
Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) says ice-and-freeze coverage may be a smart option. Inexpensive and typically offered as a policy “rider” to boats stored in cold climates, it’s something to consider. BoatUS Marine Insurance offers the add-on coverage for as little as $25, but also advises that most insurers won’t offer the coverage once temperatures get cold, usually the end of October, so check with your insurer now.
Said BoatUS Vice President of Underwriting Mike Pellerin, “All it takes is a falling tree limb to take out power to a heated storage facility.” He also says that if a boat is winterized by a marina and damage occurs, “Most reputable marinas or yards will provide documentation that it professionally winterized the boat, which gives your insurance company someone to go to for damages.
When a DIYer winterizes his or her boat and freeze damage occurs, the boat owner is responsible. Ice-and-freeze coverage provides protection that is very affordable.”
For more information on boat insurance or ice-and-freeze coverage, go to or call 800-283-2883.