What a wonderful reunion! Our reunion committee for six decades now have outdone themselves, and we thank them all so very much.
A couple of things have come up since we gathered for our 60th:
- If you have any photos from the reunion, please send them to me (editor@azbw.com), so we can share them in a special issue of Pirate Press.
- An idea from Mick Onustock that sounds really great is this: If you have some memories to share (e.g., the funniest experience you’ve had in life so far, what you would do over if you could, etc.) please share them. It’s probably time for a change from what we have been writing over the past few years.
- In two years, when we’re all around 80 (!), I’m thinking we should have another reunion, but a casual/unstructured one. I suggest that I set up a time at the Yakima VFW (my late brother’s post) since Jim and I are active in the Scottsdale one here, and I think they might welcome our class. Individuals can order as they wish as there is a bar, and food is available + a nice space, so I’ll investigate the possibilities. However, I need your input as I’ll be working on this from Arizona.
Does this sound interesting to you, YES — NO — and “God willing and the creek don’t rise”, would you like to attend? YES – NO —.
- And, in about a year, we’ll probably invite you all to Arizona for a gathering on a big “party boat” on Bartlett Lake. The marina is wheel-chair accessible, and the owner, a good friend, says he would love to have us there. It would have to be in the late fall or in winter so we would have nice temperatures. Also, I realize that this is too far for some to travel, so I’m guessing it would be a small group.
Does this sound interesting to you, YES – NO – and if all is well with you at that time, might you consider attending? YES—NO –.
Except for the sincere thank-you and # 1 and 2 above, much of this is tentative at this point. Please let me know your thoughts.
Thank you all, dear “young” friends, and may you have Fair Winds and Following Seas,
Carol Lemon Allen
P.S. Since Pirate Press is a bit irregular, even if you are not a fan of Facebook, please consider joining us at Facebook/Yakima High.

A gathering at the VFW in Yakima would work for me.
Love the idea of both a get together in AZ. & Yakima in 2 yrs. If I start saving now, I’ll be there with bells on! Thanks for so many yrs of Pirate news.
Count me in, wherever!!
Paul and I would be interested in both ideas, Carol, health permitting!