What Better Place Than Powell This Spring?By Wayne Gustaveson
The anticipated movement of stripers into the main channel near Glen Canyon Dam is just beginning. After last year’s early season success, folks just can’t wait for big striper schools to move near the dam and power plant intake and many other deep water spots. There have been some good days at the dam, but the poor days are still more prevalent. Striper schools are moving from the backs of the canyons to the deep water and back again. Moving, schooling fish are more difficult to find but easy to catch once located. The best fishing strategy is to be a generalist. Fish bait in deep water for stripers and then try the shallows for bass and walleye. Keep moving and experimenting until the daily pattern is discovered. Bass are near brush cover and weed beds. Largemouth bass are the most active fish now, but smallmouth are biting better with each passing day. Standard bass fare from spinner baits, hula grubs, and jerk baits are all working. Bass will be congregated on certain points and brushy coves while other spots that look just as good will be fishless. Keep moving and casting to find fish or to find active fish. The best time to fish is afternoon when water reaches its warmest temperature. It may even be better to sleep in and just fish in the afternoon for best results. Walleye are being caught on bass baits while anglers fish for bass. Walleye can be targeted in May when they get more active. But for now, fish for bass and catch one or two walleye per trip as a bonus. It’s the same with crappie. Some are being caught but the catch will increase greatly as the water warms consistently in the 60’s. It’s typical early spring fishing. Some days are great but most likely there will be more casting than catching. But, what better place to practice casting than at Lake Powell? At press time, lake elevation was 3,597 and water temperature was 55-62F.