An Invitation To Get Clean! Challenged America has access to seven Martin 16 sailboats. We want to get them all back into the water and into sailing condition again. They just need a good cleaning and your tender loving care. If you are not familiar with the Martin 16 (16-foot, two-person sailboat), you can see a couple of pictures at www.ChallengedAmerica.org. We are scheduling a day to get together and have a “volunteer social” time to clean, rig, inspect, and generally get these boats ready to use. Four of the boats are in Escondido, Calif., on trailers (currently masquerading as planters), and three are on Shelter Island behind the Red Sails Inn. All need some level of cleaning and repair. For example, a couple of rub rails need replacing, some shackles need to be changed, some lines will need to be re-rigged, etc. Also, we should put the sails up on each boat and do a general “readiness check.” Anyone who's available during the week is welcome to come anytime to work on them. Please let me/us know if you can help and we'll get details to you, as the sooner this is done, the sooner we'll be able to get everyone sailing again.