Radio Interview Reveals ‘Rock the Boat’ Update
By Julie Baker Art Institute of Phoenix Filling in for regular host, Darla Bardelli, Carol and Jim Allen welcomed The Art Institute of Phoenix students to the show. The students briefed the listeners on the “Rock the Boat” project. They explained it will be a documentary capturing the refurbishing of two classics — a 1952, 43-foot Chris-Craft Bull Nose and a 1984, 21-foot Chris-Craft Scorpion. Once these boats are finished and refurbished, they have different futures. The smaller Chris-Craft will be a public-relations boat for the marine community and for various charitable organizations. The larger Chris-Craft will be auctioned, and the proceeds will be donated to an Arizona charity. The students explained that once the 1984 Chris Craft Scorpion boat design is decided upon, the vessel’s face-lift will begin. Readers are encouraged to go to www.azbw.com to view and vote on a favorite design by contacting Jim Allen at (480) 947-6219 or by e-mail at publisher@azbw.com. Student designers have added two more possible choices for the winning design. “Almost all the programs offered at The Art Institute of Phoenix will be participating in this process,” shares Burke. “The Digital Media Production students will be filming the documentary,” adds Baker. Culinary students are expected to provide lunch for the crew and even the Fashion Marketers may possibly implement the clothing for the shoot. Later in the program, Carol gave Baker a shot at playing host. Baker interviewed Dan Turner of Sun Valley Fiberglas, who was previously featured in the last “Rock the Boat” article. Turner shared his excitement regarding the project and reminded the listeners that the project still needs volunteers and sponsors. If you would like to be involved in the “Rock the Boat” project, please contact Jim Allen at (480) 947-6219 or by e-mail at publisher@azbw.com. |