Arizona State Parks Launches Off-HighwayVehicle (OHV) Ambassador Volunteer ProgramThe Arizona State Parks Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) is launching new Ambassador Volunteer Program. The training for volunteers will take place on Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 15-16. The three pilot locations for volunteer involvement include the Lake Pleasant/Bradshaw Foothills area, Granite Mountain multi-use area in North Scottsdale, and the Middle Gila Canyons and Desert Wells multi-use areas near Florence Junction. Volunteers will play a vital role in maintaining high-quality OHV recreation opportunities, monitoring OHV trails, roads, and facilities, and actively participating in site improvements and user outreach in cooperation with local land managers. OHV Ambassadors will provide their time, energy, expertise, and personal OHVs to carry out their volunteer roles in the OHV Ambassador program. Applications must be submitted to Arizona State Parks by Aug. 6 to be considered for the initial Sept. 15-16 training weekend. For more information and to download an application, go to the Arizona State Parks Web site under Off-Highway Vehicle Program at www.azstateparks.com or call (602) 542-4174. For information about Arizona State Parks call (602) 542-4174 (outside of the Phoenix metro area call toll-free (800) 285-3703) or visit www.azstateparks.com. |