Tonto National Forest Lifts Fire RestrictionsAll fire restrictions affecting the Tonto National Forest were lifted, effective July 26 at 8 a.m. The fire restrictions, which covered the entire forest, are no longer needed because fire danger has been reduced by increased moisture and humidity from the annual monsoon season. “We want to thank everyone for their patience and understanding as we had to restrict access and activities on the Tonto during this fire season,” said Tonto Forest Supervisor Gene Blankenbaker. “Arizona’s fire season this year was made easier by a noticeable decrease in human-caused fires. We appreciate our users supporting and observing the fire-safety rules and ask that they continue to do so.” For more information about the Tonto National Forest, please call (602) 225-5200 or visit the forest Web site: www.fs.fed.us/r3/tonto The latest fire restriction and closure information for public lands across Arizona can be found at http://gacc.nifc.gov/swcc/ or by calling toll-free 1-877-864-6985. Arizona 2-1-1: http://www.az211.gov/ |