Congress Restores 35-Year EPA Recreational Boating ExemptionGOOD NEWS! -- The American Sportfishing Association applauds the bi-partisan actions of the House and Senate with their passage of S. 2766, the Clean Boating Act of 2008. The act will permanently restore a long-standing exemption for the nation’s 18 million recreational boats from permitting requirements under the Clean Water Act. ByArizona Game And Fish Department Sportfishing Industry Urges Swift Presidential Approval
The American Sportfishing Association applauds the bi-partisan actions of the House and Senate with their passage of S. 2766, the Clean Boating Act of 2008. The act will permanently restore a long-standing exemption for the nation’s 18 million recreational boats from permitting requirements under the Clean Water Act. The legislation now goes to the White House for the President’s signature. Sens. Bill Nelson (D-FL) and Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Representatives Jim Oberstar (D-MN), Steve LaTourette (R-OH), Candice Miller (R-MI) and Gene Taylor (D-MS) led the Congressional action that permanently reverses a September 2006 court decision that would have required recreational boaters to obtain a federal or state permit in order to operate their boats, the same as commercial vessels. Without the swift action of Congress, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would have had to implement permit regulations for all recreational boats in the country by Oct. 1. “This is a significant victory for recreational boaters and anglers,” said ASA Vice President Gordon Robertson. “Our thanks and congratulations go to the National Marine Manufacturers Association for leading the charge to see that this Act was passed. It just goes to show what can be done when the entire boating and angling community comes together for a common purpose.” Robertson further said, “We urge the President to validate the bi-partisan action of Congress by swiftly approving this bill.” From The American Sportfishing Association: ASA is the sportfishing industry’s trade association, committed to looking out for the interests of the entire sportfishing community. We give the industry a unified voice, speaking out on behalf of sportfishing and boating industries, state and federal natural resource agencies, conservation organizations, angler advocacy groups and outdoor journalists when emerging laws and policies could significantly affect sportfishing business or sportfishing itself. We invest in long-term ventures to ensure the industry will remain strong and prosperous as well as safeguard and promote the enduring economic and conservation values of sportfishing in America. ASA also represents the interests of America’s 40 million anglers who generate over $45 billion in retail sales with a $125 billion impact on the nation’s economy creating employment for over one million people.