(Advertorial) Arizona Watersports has taken delivery of the first load of Beeline Bass Boats from the Phoenix Bass Boat Company. “What’s the big deal?” you may ask. Well, the answer is the Phoenix Bass Boats has re-introduced the Beeline Bass Boats from the enter-level 270 fiberglass bass boat, starting around $15,000 to the high-performance 2100 Super Vee (21’) fully equipped with the motor package of your choice, up to 250 hp, trolling motor and electronics package in the mid-to-upper 30s, depending on your upgrade features and options. These are quality fishing boats priced well below the competition. The new flagship from the Phoenix Bass Boat Company — the 20-foot, 11-inch Phoenix — features a new hull, the “hot bottom”new deck design with built-in carousel tackle organizers, Lowrance X113 in-console capability and fully extended net storage under the seats — all industry firsts. Check it out www.phoenixbassboats.com. The Phoenix will be available in September. If you’re not a fisherman and are looking for a recreation watercraft, check out the Larson line of runabouts, ski and wakeboard boats, and Stripper offshore boats from 23 to 33 feet. Crestliner Pontoon boats are coming soon. For more information on the Beeline series or the new Phoenix, visit Mac and the boys at Arizona Watersports, 1440 W. Broadway in Mesa; they’ll take your trade, and financing options are available. Demonstration rides are available by appointment, (480) 964-2628. |