New Puerto Peņasco GroupUncommon Women On Common GroundUncommon Women on Common Ground (UWCG) is based on the premise that the Peñasco women involved are “uncommon” in who they are, yet they are living on “common ground.” The organization was created to offer opportunities for women to meet other women in different businesses and industries and have the opportunity to network with each other, support one another, and to develop new relationships. Above all, the women want to have fun. According to LeFevre, “This is really about living in another country and wanting to connect with other women to support one another — either through business or personally — to help women reach their highest potential … and have fun in the process.” Their first event was in October 2006, and the group now meets on the second Tuesday of each month from 5:30-7:30 p.m. There have been evenings at the Paradise Grill, Black Dog, and La Maria. January was bowling in Ajo; February was wine tasting. Their next event is a March lunch in Caborca, and future events are decided by suggestion for each month. Begun by Jonni Francis, Phyllis LeFevre, and Heidi Wosak, the group has attracted local professional women, both Mexican and American. About 15-20 women attend each event, and 50 are on the e-mail distribution list. For more information, or to become involved with this informal group, simply e-mail your name, telephone number, and e-mail address to phyllislefevre@cbrockypoint.com.