Tournament Results Mid-January Through Mid-FebruaryCompiled By Margie Anderson Alex Dombrowski and Jay Hendrickson won the MBC Super Teams at Lake Pleasant on Feb. 10. They weighed in 20.63 pounds, including the Big Fish at 7.35, and received checks totaling $6,730. On Jan. 27, Jim Wood and Scott Guetti won the MBC Senior Teams at Lake Pleasant. They brought 9.77 pounds to the scale and took home $3,254. Boater Vic Cunningham and non-boater Adam Skarpohl won the MBC Pro-Am at Lake Pleasant on Feb. 3. Vic had the Pro 2nd Big Bass at 2.96 pounds, and the two shared checks worth $2,128. MBC (Monterey Bass Company) holds their couples’ tournaments in conjunction with the Pro-Ams. On Feb. 3, Jim and Roxanne Everett won the Couples’ tournament at Lake Pleasant with 8.17 pounds and took home $842. Gary Dobyns and Phil Strader won the Anglers Choice Southern Colorado River tournament on Jan. 27 at Lake Havasu. They won $2,065. On Jan. 21, Jamie Bialik and John Rickicke won the ABA Team Tournament at Roosevelt Lake with 20.20 pounds including the second-place big fish at 4.64, cashing checks totaling $1,950. Here’s a team that’s hard to beat! John Murray and Larry Mantle won the ABA tournament at Roosevelt Feb. 3 with 15.78 pounds that included a 5.4 pound kicker. They won a total of $2,720. Jeff Begnoche and Fred McEwen won the Best Bet Tournament Feb. 3 at Lake Pleasant. Their 7.69 pound sack netted them $1,425. The All Star Couples Tournament on Jan. 20 at Pleasant was won by Heidi Darcangelo and Jake Randall with a total weight of 8.19 pounds. They won $2,350. |