Eight May Meetings Set To Gather Public CommentThe Arizona Game and Fish Department is seeking public comment on draft plans that will guide how the agency manages wildlife, outdoor recreational opportunities, and its own detailed operations for the next two years. Eight public meetings will be held around the state the first two weeks in May to provide an overview of the plans and to accept comments. The draft operational plans identify the approaches the department will take to implement key management programs, including game, non-game, sportfish, off-highway vehicle, watercraft and business administration, as well as support functions such as public information and education, law enforcement, shooting sports, habitat, research, and watchable wildlife. The department develops new operational plans every two years. “Public input is important in helping us develop and finalize these plans,” says Bob Broscheid, the department’s assistant director for wildlife management. “Everyone has a stake in the continued health of our state’s wildlife populations and in future recreational opportunities. It’s important to make your viewpoint known.” The operational plans are the middle tier in a three-part planning process for the department, bridging the department’s six-year visionary strategic plan, Wildlife 2012, with annual work unit implementation plans that include information on what work will be accomplished. The draft documents are posted for review on the department’s Web site at azgfd.gov along with Wildlife 2012, the strategic plan that went into effect in January. The public meetings will include a presentation on the planning process and an overview of operational plan highlights, and public comments will be accepted. The meetings will be held from 6-8 p.m. on the following dates:
Written comment can also be submitted anytime through May 31, by e-mail to wildlifeplan@azgfd.gov, or by U.S. mail to Wildlife Plan, c/o Funds & Planning, Arizona Game and Fish Department, 2221 W. Greenway Road, Phoenix, AZ 85023-4399. |