Monthly Photo Contest Now Includes Freshwater, Saltwater Entries BoatU.S. Angler, a program from BoatU.S., the nation's largest association of recreational boaters, has upgraded its Catch of the Month photo contest to include all freshwater and saltwater species. Anglers are encouraged to send in photos of themselves with their catch, and the photos will be displayed on the association's Web site, http://www.BoatUSAngler.com Two winners, one for "Best Freshwater Catch" and one for "Best Saltwater Catch," will be chosen each month through Oct. 31. Each monthly winner will receive a $50 BoatU.S.Visa Gift Card, framed Catch of the Month certificate, and BoatU.S. Angler logo items. Monthly winners will also have their photos and names published in BoatU.S. ANGLER Magazine. A Grand Prize winner for each category will be awarded in a drawing of all monthly winning entries at the end of the contest period. The winner of the freshwater contest will receive a high-quality fiberglass replica of their catch, created by Donnie Poore's Fish'n Art, a $150 value. The saltwater winner will receive a saltwater fishing reel. All judging is by BoatU.S. Angler staff. Entries may be submitted as high-resolution jpg or tif digital photos (preferably 300 DPI format) to info@BoatUSAngler.com, or printed photos can be mailed to BoatU.S. Angler, Catch of the Month Photo Contest, 880 S. Pickett St., Alexandria, VA 22304. Entries must comply with the contest rules posted at the association's Web site. |