Boston Lawyers On TV Show Join AuxiliarySince mid-December, viewers of a television series based on a fictional Boston law firm have heard mention of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary. In fact, two of the main characters in one of the most recent episodes were preparing to take the Coast Guard swim test. Unlike this fictional TV show, the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary is real, and no, you don’t have to take a swim test to join. U.S. citizens who are at least 17 years or older are eligible to “sign up” and serve in what is regarded as the premier all-volunteer force in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Who are these volunteers in the Coast Guard Auxiliary? They come from all walks of life; they are students, teachers, businessmen and women, retirees, aviators, police officers, firefighters, emergency medical technicians, health care professionals, carpenters, IT professionals, and yes, just like the fictional Boston TV show, lawyers. What can I do in the Coast Guard Auxiliary? You can use skills you have already developed in the Coast Guard Auxiliary. For example, a teacher may teach safe-boating classes, or an aviator may become part of the Auxiliary Air program. Health-care professionals may decide to serve in the Health Care Directorate and provide health services to Active Duty and Reserve Coast Guard members. Or, Auxiliarists may choose to learn how to become a Boat Crew Member or Coxswain (which do require a swim test), a Public Affairs Specialist, an Air Observer or an Assistant Pollution Investigator. Auxiliary Coast Guard Members, after training and qualifying, may choose to augment an Active Duty Coast Guard unit. So, what is the Coast Guard Auxiliary? The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary is the uniformed civilian component of the United States Coast Guard. Created by an Act of Congress in 1939, the Auxiliary directly supports the Coast Guard in all missions, except military and law enforcement actions. The Coast Guard’s motto is SEMPER PARATUS (ALWAYS READY). The Coast Guard Auxiliary is an integral part the United Sates Coast Guard. For more information visit www.cgaux.org if you ready to be SEMPER PARATUS, visit http://join.cgaux.org/.