When A Storm Threatens, It's Time To Increase Your Hold On Your Boat!Submitted By Tom Nunes Boaters need to take extra precautions to safeguard their boats as well as other boats that are in their area during severe storms. Whether it’s a summer thunderstorm or a winter Nor’easter, boats need to be firmly secured to their moorings to survive hazardous weather. Depending on how you dock or moor your boat, think about adding more lines, specifically spring lines. Make sure your chocks are securely fastened on both your boat as well as the dock. Add extra chafe gear to protect your lines. Depending on the circumstances, think about relocating your boat to either a more protected area or having the boat pulled from the water altogether. If you attach your boat to a mushroom anchor, lay on extra scope as well as chafing gear. Make sure your new arc (swing) doesn't collide with nearby boats. Double-check your rode and its connections from and to the shackles. Look for damaged line as it may part under heavy stress. If all of this sounds like a foreign language, they you definitely want to consider taking a Boating Skills and Seamanship course offered by your local Coast Guard Auxiliary unit. Remember, it is your responsibility to make sure your boat is securely anchored/docked. Do not rely on your marina, as they will have other issues to deal with in an unexpected or even expected foul-weather situation. To find out more about boating safety and seamanship courses offered by the Coast Guard Auxiliary visit: http://nws.cgaux.org/visitors/pe_visitor/index.html