It’s Not Hard To Get Hooked On Baja
Much more than a simple fishing guide, Hooked on Baja incorporates many true-life adventures from some of Baja’s foremost outdoors personalities along with travel information, deliciously authentic south –of-the-border recipes and, for those who end up being “hooked on Baja” themselves, vital information on how to go about purchasing and legally securing real estate property along the picturesque coast of the Baja California peninsula. Hooked on Baja allows readers to step away from the hustle, bustle, and traffic gridlock that is a regular part of life in many of the crowded urban communities north of the Mexican border. Discover a place where there are still countless opportunities for relaxation, recreation, and retirement in an enchanting world where the fish are nearly always biting, and lines of pelicans are regularly observed gliding silently — mere inches above the pounding surf. This great new Gatch book is available at Borders, Barnes & Noble,andCostco warehouse stores — as well as through most major online booksellers. For more information, contact asalles@wwnorton.com. |