Ahoy, Pirates!
Soon we’ll be pulling into our Port of Hale for the 60th reunion of our YHS Class of 1957. Just in case you have misplaced your information or if you have not yet registered, here are the details again from our fantastic reunion crew:
Date: Friday ~ September 29, 2017
Time: 1 P.M. till 6 P.M.
Place: Yakima Valley Museum
2105 Tieton Drive
Yakima, WA 98902
(509) 248 – 0747
We will have a buffet meal during our time of fellowship.
The cost for this last reunion is $20 per person.
Please return the response form below and make motel reservations if you are out of town.
Your reunion committee:
Chairman: Mike Smithhisler Phone: (509) 248-5097
Secretary/Treasurer: Sue (Utterback) Woodruff Phone: (509) 965-1393
Please make checks payable to YHS Class of ’57 and mail to:
Sue Woodruff, 404 So 45th Ave, Yakima, WA 98908
Single $ Enclosed_______
Address _____________________________________________________________
Couple $ Enclosed_______
Phone (______) ____________________
Email __________________________
Judy (Little) Deal and Robert Adams
Carol (Lemon) and Jim Allen
Geri (Stewart) and Duane Atkins
Dolores (Whiteman) Austin
Sara (Harris) and Marty Benum
Rich and Jo (Backus) Boon
Randal Broeckel
Ray I Brown
Ted and Peggy Brown
Bruce and Mary Lou Bruner
Connie (Johnson) and Lynn Buchanan
Jeanie (Lahnert) and Morris Bush
Gilbert B Chandler
Sharon (Roberts) Chard
Dorene (Kehrer) Church
Dave and Sharon Cummins
Bertha (Brown) Dauenhauer
Helen, John and Jerry Cochran (Bertha)
Kim and Bernadine Davis
Judy Little Deal and Robert Adams
Gordon and Joy Dean
David and Donna Delk
G Lee Ehmer
Beverly (Berryman) Fickel
Jim and Sally Fitch
Kay (Jacobson) and Gordon Geffe
Peggy (Serr) and Gary Graber
Jerry Hargraves
Patrick (Dennis) Hart
Norman Hamlin
Lillian Hosman
James and Juanda Henness
Robert and Caroline Hoover
Bonnie Baker and Tim Hopf
Ken and Kay Hunziker
Melvina (Redfield) and Ken Irvine
Doris (Hartinger) and Roy Kautzman
Ted Keeler
Ed and Mary Ann Kershaw
Lewis L. and Maria Sofia Lofgren
Jerry and Janet Lounsberry
William (Bill) and Mary Luisi
Charlotte (Bradford) and Pete MacKenzie
Ann (Baker) and Douglas MacNeil
Sharon (Hickey) and Dan MacQuarrie
Gary McKneely
Ron and Adele (Richey) McMurry
Nancy (House) Moss
Ed Nolan
Ron and Myrene (Haldeman) Northey
Mick and Nita Onustock
Sydna (Reese) and Paul Pankey
Elsie (Alexander) Pearson
John and Sally Ponath
Judy (Rountry) and Harry Popp
Gerald and Joan Rapp
(Elizabeth) Ann (Collins) and Bob Reed
Ron Roth
Jani (Wheeler) and Lee Schoolcraft
Mary Ann (Martin) Seward
Henry and Arleita Singer
Ed Smithhisler
Mike Smithhisler
Gary Spencer and friend
Nancy Riemenschneider Strain
Dale and Marilyn Taylor
Cecil and Karron Terry
Andy and Lois Thompson
Frank and Carol Toles
Fred and Lora Toles
Francis Trudeau
Jerry and Ann Wells
Sue (Utterback) and Rich Woodruff
Elton and Janice Young

As we gather on the good ship YHS 1957, renewing friendships, sharing memories, and updating our friends on the journeys of our lives, we will surely pause to remember those who have gone on, their life journeys complete. Following is a list of those shipmates we have lost but remember and honor:
08/21/1998 Jay Dee Akers *
04/27/2017 Curt Akland
12/19/1991 Paul Anderson
01/20/1995 Bob Badger *
11/25/2012 Darline Baker-Johnston
02/25/1993 Howard Barry * Lolomi
Bud Bauer *
Joan Beatty
03/21/2017 Marilyn Beeson-Erstad
11/15/2012 Joan Bennington-Lindeman
09/21/2011 Mike Bolyard
11/4/1985 Evelyn Brookens-Warren
04/12/2011 Linda Bruce-e-Caron
07/ /1992 Sherry Bruenn-Sollie
03/05/2015 Rosie Burrill-Sotka
09/15/2015 Beverly Capen
09/23/1993 David Carroll
10/09/1993 Gary Carter
05/10/2002 Bill Chard
03/27/2008 Gary Christopherson
06/29/2009 Ted Clemmens
04/30/1997 Patricia Cochran-Shaughnessy *
08/02/2006 Darrilyn “Cookie” Cook-Brown *
02/11/2011 Mark Craft
12/31/2014 Judy Lyn Crosslin-Sweetland
05/20/1995 Mickey Cubberley
01/09/2007 Patsy Davis-Noel * Lolomi
09/12/1984 David Dean
03/27/2017 Bob Denslow
01/20/2016 Mike Devereaux
12/04/2014 Gloria Dexter-Olson
03/03/2000 Bruce Dibbert
08/22/1996 Sara Dunn-Lund
07/03/2008 Neil Durrett
Ron Ernst
01/13/2006 Charles Edward Fleming
01/30/2015 Bob Foland
11/15/1994 Bernie Folk *
05/31/2006 Gerald Folk *
05/26/2009 Verna Friesz-Clifton *
02/16/2013 Wayne Owen Gaffney, Jr
07/09/2011 Merle A Gerhardt
05/21/2009 (James) Cliff Giles
01/26/2003 Burl Glidewell
02/07/2006 Josiephine Goosby
05/01/2006 Ron Duane Gorman
06/12/2011 Jim Greig
12/25/2006 Kenyon Guerard
03/02/2002 Jim Hanke
07/14/2006 Barbara Hanscom-Scott
06/18/2008 Rosemary Hartinger-Henness-Evans
06/15/2011 John Hartshorn
09/20/2015 Regina M. Heit-Wyrick
02/26/2012 Gene Helmick
07/27/1996 Wilma Heustis-Brown
09/ /2016 Anthony T Hill
04/11/2016 Eddie Hill
03/22/20017 Bob Holtzinger
06/15/1988 Virginia Jackson-Ide
06-19-1993 Willa Dean Jones-Strader
06/22/2009 Connie Keeling-Nieman
04/04/1999 Patsy Keeling-Wilson
03/02/2013 Ruby King-Fortes
02/12/2015 Marvin Klingele
12/13/2002 Judy Knotts-Werking
07/29/2015 Richard Lane
12/08/2007 Carson D Lowell *
07/02/2013 Eugene Luppino
03/20/2013 Jack Lyon
Patricia Mahoney-Wright *
02/02/1988 Bob Markle
07/01/2002 Chuck Marsh
04/28/2011 Joel Patrick McLeod
04/26/2006 Marilyn Mellotte-Anewalt *
10/18/1997 Bennett Moen
04/13/2016 Luther Mullins
12/21/1995 Bob Neely
10/8/2003 Eugene Nevue
05/09/2007 Marietta Nevue-Miller
03/27/2000 Joe Okoneski *
01/30/2000 Allen Lee Parks
12/ /1960 Ken Parks
12/06/2002 Jim Place
04/15/2005 Sharon Pope
02/27/2007 Rosalind Lee Raison-Beede
03/03/2015 Bennie Renteria, Jr.
11/29/2011 Rodney Ries
10/07/2001 Bettie Rogers-Kirby
04/05/2015 Dave Schuler
07/16/2011 Mary Lou Shaw-Conover
08/1/1987 (John) Phil Shuford
Karen Sieber-Beaushaw
05/02/2006 Georgia L Sigars-Clow
/2008 Deanna Silvers *
09/ /1987 Sue Sizemore-Clark
12/04/1993 Noreene Smith-Halsey
09/25/2005 Dick Starbuck
05/06/2017 Jack Thomas
02/12/2010 Edward Thompson
04/07/2007 Mary Ann Tillman-Stuber *
Jerry L Unruh
05/27/2017 Robert G Wallace
07/01/2007 Donald Dean Watkins
/1981 Anne Weyeneth * Lolomi
08/27/2006 Nancy Dee Whiteman-Hitchcock
08/09/2002 John Edward Wikoff
08/24/2015 Keith R Williams
Jim Williamson
Susy Wilson-McAleer *
04/21/2016 Jack Woerner
05/30/2001 Richard Wuertz
01/18/2017 Richard Yingling
/1957 Art Yoeger
The * are for classmates who didn’t graduate with our class.
Note: From: Kitty Wallace [mailto:kitsmax@aol.com]
Dear Carol: Good morning. I’m wondering if you got my post to the newsletter website that Bob Wallace passed away in May? I didn’t get a response of any kind. If you didn’t get that message and would like more information (copy of the obituary) please let me know. It was only published in the Olympia, Wa newspaper.
Also, do you have an address or email for Tom Mustain? I think he graduated with Bob and they kept in touch about once per year. I’d like to let him know that Bob has died but have no contact information unfortunately.
Thank you in advance for getting back to me.
Kathleen “Kitty” Wallace (Mrs. Bob Wallace)
There is a secular piece of poetic prose in which my family found comfort when my brother died. I post it here because of its nautical theme and the beauty we found in its message:
“I am standing upon the seashore. A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and starts for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength. I stand and watch her until, at length, she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sea and sky come to mingle with each other.
“Then, someone at my side says, ‘There, she is gone.’
‘Gone where?’
“Gone from my sight. That is all. She is just as large in mast and hull and spar as she was when she left my side, and she is just as able to bear the load of living freight to her destined port.
“Her diminished size is in me, not in her. And, just at the moment when someone at my side says, ‘There, she is gone.’, there are other eyes watching her coming, and other voices ready to take up the glad shout: ‘Here she comes!’
“And that is dying.” — Henry Van Dyke
For My Pirate Classmates:
How like ships are the NEW dreams,
Anxious, impatient to sail away,
Filled with promise at break of day.
How like dreams are the NURTURED ships,
Able to catch the wind and
toss the storm aside,
Ready to reach the heavens and touch the stars inside.
How like ships are the REALIZED dreams,
Sailing proudly in seas ever new,
Lasting, loving life’s
journey through.
How like dreams are the BROKEN ships.
Ships can sink in waters angry, waters deep,
And dreams can die if the sailors sleep;
Once-new craft run too fast, run too slow,
Can meet, in death, lost dreams below.
Dream well, Sailor, the waters are ready;
Sail well, Dreamer, the ship is steady;
Make life’s voyage the best it can be;
Ride high through the waves and conquer the sea. – Carol Lemon Allen
To you all, fair winds and following seas,
Carol (Lemon) Allen
P.S. A Request from Ed Nolan:
Hi Carol,
Will you be putting out another issue of Pirate Press? I’m wondering if there is some way we could get a notice in there that the Washington State Historical Society is interested in the donation of a YHS letterman’s sweater, a letterman’s jacket, and a cheer leader outfit for our permanent collection. Some people might still be hanging on to some of this stuff. It can either be sent to us or I can accept it at the 60th (assuming I make it).
Looks like a pretty good attendance, all things considered.